c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
Frustration. Temptation. Frustration. I started today with extreme weakness in my arms. Dressing - the mere act of buttoning my shirt - was almost more than I could handle. One week post-pheresis. I can't believe the window of mobility from such an invasive treatment is so short. My antibody level is building. My speech is thickening. What does surprise me is the variability of what is affected: four weeks ago, I couldn't walk 100 yards; today, I practically sprinted 3/4 mile to my office, yet, the voice and swallowing difficulties are the same. Why? Nobody knows the mysteries of gravis.
Feeling a burning desire to have something other than yet another milkshake for dinner, I decided to make some runny - snotty-runny - coddled eggs. Wrong. Even though they were still half-raw and mashed, the second tiny spoonful brought me to my knees. Imagine choking on a piece of soft egg the size of a grain of rice? Unfathomable.
More pheresis Friday. More hope.