A Tree Grows in Arbor Hill - Albany, New York
© 2006 by Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
What an incredible spring day it was here in the capital region of New York. The sun makes everything come to life, including, it appears, me. I felt so good that at lunchtime, I took a long walk from my office down to one of my favorite haunts, Arbor Hill, where I have made many of my best street photographs over the past ten years.
After work, I took a ride up Madison and Western Avenues to the art supply store on Fuller Road to pick up some more watercolor paper to continue my experiments with fine art printing on my Epson inkjet printer. The big news of the day, however, was that I picked up an order of fish and chips at Long John Silver's on my way home...and ate all the fish, four french fries and half a fried doughball! It was sooooo good. The greasy, crispy fish was a delight to my deprived palate, this being the first solid meal I've eaten in six months! Something must be working.