c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
When you are dependent on others for your care, you appreciate kind, caring and thoughtful people. Sue is one of those people in my life. Not only is she a superb hygienist, but a great listener, a great wife to her dentist husband and a great mom to her four kids. She and I have had similar issues in our adult lives and we've shared all the stories, happy to have someone else to talk to that's "been there."
What really amazed me - and which I appreciated to no end - is how she was prepared to deal with me this morning so I wouldn't have any difficulty during the cleaning from swallowing water from the water pick, or whatever she called it. She cleaned my teeth by hand, using all the old-fashioned tools. It took longer but it was time we both enjoyed together, sharing the bits and pieces of the past six months of our lives.