c 2006 Curt Miller

c 2006 Curt Miller

c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
Everywhere I travel, I find a rich tapestry created by the colors, shapes, people, buildings and people I encounter. Today's blog captures some of the richness in the texture of that tapestry...for me, anyway. This is the stuff I encounter in my daily life...on the way to work and on the way home. I love the light in each one. It influences my perception of shape, size and texture.
Today was the best day I've had in more than two months. My strength returned. I was able to walk like an athlete. I was able to swallow and consume a lot of high quality, high protein-high carb food. I was invited out to lunch by a visiting architect and we settled on Greek. We walked up to Lark Street and I pointed to the spot where they filmed the streetcar scene in John Kennedy's book-turned-movie"Ironweed." After settling in at the restaurant we placed our orders. Most in our group chose gyros or souvlaki. You should have seen the look on the waiter's face when I ordered a big glass of...