Greg's Barbershop - Delmar, New York
c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
Ups. Not too bad today. More up than down. Prednisone high, perhaps. Won't knock it, just go with it for the ride. So good by 3pm, I called my barber, Lesley (she), to see if I could schedule the haircut I missed four weeks ago for tonight. Slotted. 6pm. Shorn by 6:30. 99 cent milkshakes at Stewart's this week, so I stopped twice on the way home. Strength and energy for the "oil change" at Albany Med tomorrow morning at 8. Never thought I could ever get to a place where I could enjoy going into a hospital to have a couple of twelve gauge needles stuck in my arms. Imaging becoming addicted to a state of feeling normal?