c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
Spring. The air was cold and clear today. It was but the second day the redwing blackbirds have been calling. When I was growing up in New York City, there were none of these harbingers of spring. No habitat for them, at least not in my neighborhood in Queens. I love them. I love the light of the spring sky, the smell of the woods, thoughts of shedding winter garb and walking by a stream.
I am stronger and more alive. My drugs sometimes give me the feliing that they're working. The process is slow - painfully slow - and the gains modest. Tonight I was able to whistle. Not a big deal for most people, but I lost the ability to curl my tongue and make the necessary "0" with my mouth a year ago. It's coming back. I'll take slow and steady. Please, God, keep me going in that direction.