c 2006 Curt Miller

c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
Right out of the story book. If I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, I'd never have believed it. It was a beautiful Berkshire Sunday. With winter behind us and the sun coming up in the east, I decided it would be a good day to point the car in some different direction than it's daily trip west. Shelburne Falls is a great place, next county northeast of here, and it's a nice ride through some great countryside of the Berkshire plateau, a table land that rises sharply - 1600 feet in fifteen miles - above sea level at the Connecticut River to the east.
As I meandered through the woods along country highways, through towns like Peru, Windsor and Worthington, I came upon the most unexpected site in Cummington: this red fox lying in a nest of grass in front of an old chicken coop. I backed the car up, got out slowly and approached carefully and quietly, talking soothingly to this beautiful creature as I approached. I spent at least five minutes with him, talking and photographing while he minded his own business, grazing his eyes over the adjacent field from his perfect perch, hoping to find some tasty morsel for dinner. I was no more than a passing curiosity, welcome to stay and chat as long as I cared to do so, and as long as I didn't interfere.
I'm glad for Sundays. I'm happy for film and cameras...and internet, so I can share treasured moments like this with my friends.