c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
Prednisone worship. On my morning walk to work, my cell pnone rang and Nicki - my neuorologist's - nurse's voice was at the other end: "can you be here at 10:45 this morning?" Yup.
Though the visit lasted only ten minutes, Doctor Wymer and I have learned to communicate without any of the useless platitudes and crap that typically permeate such a visit and extend the appointment well beyond that which is necessary to make critical assessments and treatment choices. We consult. I throw out suggestions, he thinks and makes suggestions and we always come to a mutually agreeable place. Today's outcome: step up prednisone from 40mg every other day to 40mg one day follwed by 20mg the next, a fifty percent jump. This will bring the immune system into line more quickly. He increased my CellCept from 1500mg per day to 2000mg per day. This is the drug that works on the immune system in a very narrow spectrum and will keep the antibodies that target my acetylcholine in check.
I visited the Berkshire Museum Camera Club in Pittsfield, tonight, to visit with old friends and share ideas on picturemaking. It was a bittersweet reunion insofar as it was there, in the auditorium of the beautiful museum, that I had my very first visit from old gravis, one year and five weeks ago tonight. It's been a tough year and five weeks. Nonetheless, it was delightful to see everyone.