Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Honest Weight Food Co-Op - Albany, NY
c 2006 Curt Miller

The Daily bLog

Contrary to what I expected, today was a day of physical strength and a healthy appetite. Because prednisone days are usually good - and the opposite days bad - I was happily surprised by the experience.

I'm now concentrating on diet quality as well as quantity. Because of my inability to eat for the past year, I have lost 45 pounds, overall. Myasthenia gravis affects its victims differently. In my case, it affected my ability to chew and to swallow severely. For many months now, I haven't been able to chew a morsel of regular food...and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to swallow it without choking. Much of the time, there is no peristalsis to make the food travel down my throat. Mestinon, my front-line drug is sometimes helpful in getting things working, but nowhere near normal. These days, I try to pack as much healthful stuff into me as I possibly can, so I've been eating food from the health food stores like the one in today's picture.