c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
Until MG made it impossible for me to continue to teach digital photography, I worked with students over the previous three years explaining how to get the best results from their digital cameras. Two years ago - or thereabouts - cell phone manufacturers began to put low-res chips behind cheap lenses on their cell phones. As a perfectionist about my image quality, I initially thought this feature to be less than useless to me. Recently, though, I learned of classes that teach how to make fine art pictures with your cell phone. I guess this story won't end tonight. I will explore this new medium to its fullest potential. It images like a toy camera. That has it's own esthetic to exploit...sharp here, blurry there. Keep watching this space!
I'm thankful the weather is turning nice and that my multiple therapies for treating my disease are conspiring to give me more strength, allowing me to eat better and walk farther. Today I took a long walk up to Arbor Hill (second day in a row!) to ply my favorite trade: street photography. While I have gone back to shooting B&W film in my Leica, I do carry my little Canon digicam on my hip. Here's an offering from today on my Street Photography blog.