c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
"Oil change" today. Not much sleep Thursday night; up at 5:30. Mouth didn't work - only one bite of eggs.
The regular gang met me in the apherisis unit at albany med at 8:00 sharp. They were ready, my veins weren't, as we soon found out. This morning's set up took multiple stabs into my forearms with a variety of large needles. Apparently, with repeated attempts at this procedure - so I am told - the veins tend to collapse when suction is applied. To keep them in condition, I must keep hydrated. Means I am not hydrated. Not well nourished, either. Nothing goes down. Nothing, that is, besides milkshakes.
The pheresis finished at about 11:15 and I was off to work for the rest of the day with my fresh oil.