c 2006 Curt Miller
Seeing Beauty
The Daily bLog
I push myself.
People are always reminding me that I'm always on the move, setting and pushing limits. I guess I never saw myself in that light. I look at some of the other people in the world who seem to accomplish so much more and think I'm quite modest in my goals and achievements by comparison. Nonetheless, whenever I see a chance to do something...anything...I feel the urgency to move, to DO.
On this, my first day post-apheresis - by virtue of renewed strength - I found the need to walk and enjoy the outdoors. It was one of those brisk sunny mid-winter days that just invigorates every molecule of one's body. So I walked. Visited my old friends in the Assembly at lunchtime and chatted about "Gravis," and about life. After work, I walked the half mile from my office to my car, the first such time in a month. Success is measured in small steps. Success brings satisfaction.
I made today's picture of the capitol building while walking in the glorious sunshine at lunchtime.