c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
Weatherwise, today was violent. With moderate early morning temperatures and pleasant skies, we were all startled by unexpected crashes of thunder, bolts of lightning and gale winds by 11am. By late afternoon the sun had come and gone so many times I couldn't count. By day's end, snow was falling. The picture above describes the strong sunlight that pierced through the overcast for but a brief moment this morning, creating the appearance of ribbons as it lit the wet sidewalks below.
My physical wellbeing continued to deteriorate today. Weakness continued to creep into my muscles and I was unable to talk for most of the day. When I took my morning pill - Mestinon - it stuck in the back of my throat. What a perplexing situation: the very medication that helps myasthenics to swallow was unswallowable because of myasthenia itself. It was forty-five minutes before the pill finally dissolved enough to make its way to my stomach.
My ride home took me over the Dunn Memorial Bridge. With my hand stcking out the window, I made the shot below from my moving car.

c 2006 Curt Miller
The old iron bridge in the background is a swing bridge built in 1868 and is still used to carry Amtrak passenger trains over the Hudson nearly 140 years later.