c 2006 Curt Miller
Fresh Starts
The Daily Blog
Sleep is not a luxury.
The doctor said I need good sleep in order to recover my strength. Said to take Benadryl at bedtime. It worked.
There are lots of tricks to managing myasthenia gravis and its profoundly debilitating symptoms. This time last week I was recovering from two days (outpatient) in a hospital bed, receiving plasmapheresis to rid my blood of untoward antibodies. So high was the concentration of these antibodies (which attack the motor neuron receptor plates causing weakness), that I couldn't walk one-hundred yards from my car to the shuttle bus that takes me to my office. This morning, I walked right on by that bus stop (see the kiosk in the picture) and the half-mile (uphill), swinging fifteen pounds of stuff from my arms. Technology works. "Gravis" sucks. Think I'll print that on a t-shirt or something.
Support stem-cell research and hug the handicapped. You never know if you may be next.