c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
A spectacular day! Up at 6:30 (on a Sunday, no less). Breakfast, four coddled eggs, fish oil, vitamins and 40mg of prednisone. Lounged, read news, ads. In the darkroom by nine. First time printing in a year; too weak before. Result of darkroom session above: Michael's beloved and loyal friend of ten years, Tejas, was diagnosed with cancer in November. Michael is one of the most sensitive and talented human beings I've ever known in my life (and one of my dearest friends). We needed to immortalize treasured moments while Tejas was enjoying her last precious days with Michael. We did. I'm honored.
Made the pictures with my dad's 1959 Rolleiflex 3.5F (Planar), one of the finest tools of the craft ever made (and I learned photography when I was eleven with this camera and my "Baby Rollei," both of which I still own almost 50 years later).

c 2006 Curt Miller
The afternoon brought a trip to a photo exhibit at Williams College Museum of Art. This wonderful little private school has one of the best permanent collections of fine art anywhere. Included among them is an original Grant Wood (of "American Gothic" fame), "Death on the Ridge Road." The photo exhibit included original work by Steve McCurry, Sally Mann, Sebastiao Salgado (one of my favorites) and Mary Ellen Mark. A small but woderful show and a great ending to a good weekend.
I'm stronger every day.