c 2006 Curt Miller
The Beauty of Life
The Daily bLog
The only things I like as much as the gorgeous buildings in Albany are the trees. All capital cities present an air of antiquity and stateliness. Albany is at the top of any list in these regards. The building in today's picture was, until the past couple of years, the longest columned building on earth, including the Parthenon. It's a pleasure to walk through it's beautiful corridors on the way to my office.
Healthwise, today was a mixed bag. Started out unable to eat breakfast - couldn't swallow. By the time I got to work, however, my mouth began to work better and I started consuming as many Boosts and shakes as I could get in me. I made and appointment for another pheresis session next Wednesday morning, hoping to stem the tide of antibody accumulation in my bloodstream, before the situation becomes as debilitating as it was two weeks ago. This afternoon, I met with Dr. Ron Stram and naturapath Alison Finger, who are guiding me in my nutritional needs during this time of advanced symptoms and attempting to help build my immune system with supplements.
This remains a rough period for me. This disease progresses unabated. I increased my dose of the immunosuppressant, CellCept from 1000mg to 1500mg today.
The driving force in my determination to whip this was watching all the folks riding their motorcycles today. I want health. Hope springs eternal.