Beaver Pond, Winter - Pittsfield, Massachusetts
c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
I've learned that bad days follow good days. Yesterday was a good day. Today, swallowing was a problem and all meds had to be either liquid or crushed. Every so often, I get a "window" in which the Mestinon firms the muscles in my throat enough to allow liquids and small pills to pass through. Today that happened two or three times and I managed to drink some protein-rich shakes.
It takes some time and patience to adapt to a more sedentary lifestyle after being very vigorous for more than fifty years, but I've learned that it is necessary for my survival. While I will compromise my activity level to protect my health, I won't shortchange my creativity and vision. My little digicam is always strapped to my hip, ready to capture the beauty of the world around me. Today's picture is a piece of the beauty I see almost daily and have photographed in every season for many years. The light was particularly beautiful this afternoon for photography.
Another big success of the day was the production of my first truly exhibition quality black and white print from a high quality scan. I now have a workflow for producing digital prints I'm proud to hang next to my darkroom silver prints...and both will last a lifetime.