© 2006 Curt Miller
The Third Apheresis
The Daily bLog
I spent a couple of hours with my dear friends, Gabriella, George and daughter Diana yesterday afternoon at their beautiful home in Lenox. I've watched Diana, and brother Dan, grow over the past ten years, maturing from bright, inquisitive kids to pensive, determined and ambitious adults. Diana was sharing her adventures in urban planning/development and her aspirations for law school. I couldn't be more pleased for her. Gabriella and George are both superb physicians, anesthesia and surgery, respectively, and we chatted about Dan's success with architecture at Tulane and about my struggle with MG. Turns out Gabriella ran a clinic for myasthenics before leaving Hungary, so we had a lot to talk about. I made the self-portrait above at one of my favorite spots in Lenox on my way home from their house.
The apheresis session went well today. I was in and out in just under three hours, start to finish. There were no hemolyzed blood samples and no collapsed veins. They stuck a 12 ga. needle in my left arm to draw the blood and a 16 ga. in my right arm to pump the new admixture back in.
After leaving the hospital, I stopped at my office for an hour to take care of any important stuff. I was pleased to run into most of my co-workers, who asked me how things went. They are a wonderful and supportive bunch of people. Every one of them.