Saturday, February 18, 2006

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Sliding at Bosquet - Pittsfield, Mass
c 2006 Curt Miller

The Daily bLog
Grateful for the good times. Today, for whatever inexplicable reason, was one of them. When I awoke after ten hours of sleep - a feat all too infrequently possible - I felt renewed and strong. For the first time in a couple of days, I was able to eat three coddled eggs, and continued to drink protein shakes and milkshakes for the rest of the day. And I felt fine. I even had the strength to lift and pour five gallons of kerosene...necessary to fuel emergency heaters in my house during a five hour blackout in ten degree weather.

Today, too, was a day of accomplishment. I wrote my article "Letter from the President" for the May edition of "Adirondac," read a hundred pages in a book in preparation for a seminar in leadership, continued my experiments in printing with the "Black Only" technique on my Epson printer and did the half-dozen other sundry items we all do on a Saturday.