c 2006 Curt Miller
The Daily bLog
Tough day. Getting five hours sleep doesn't do it. But, what to do if that's all your body gives you? About two minutes out of bed and I knew it was going to be one of "those" days. Arms were weak and I couldn't swallow more than two teaspoonsful of my coddled eggs. I was, however, able to down a shake from Stewart's on the way into the office. Eating for a myasthenic is like surfing for a surfer: you need to learn to ride the waves...and timing is everything. For the myasthenic, this means there's a window of about thirty to forty-five minutes when swallowing is possible. This window usually appears about an hour after taking Mestinon, the myasthenic's lifesaving drug.
The rest of the day was a disaster - mouth wise - it didn't function much of the time. One lady was really rude to me on the phone, asking if I was "sleepy." I understand the frustration someone trying to talk to me must feel but I gotta say it's even worse from my side of the conversation. Friend Peter made the suggestion, upon hearing of my distress, to use JAWS on my computer. It's a reader that "speaks" what's typed into the computer. I shall investigate.