Thursday, July 06, 2006

Multimedia message


Passing the minutes in a hospital room; I NEVER would've guessed I'd be reduced to ''I Love Lucy'' reruns. Live from Albany Medical Center Hospital.

6:30PM update: I was finally removed from the ER suite at 5:30 and taken to Room 504 of the hospital. CT scan showed 2 or 3 broken ribs (#8 and #9) - in 2 places each, front and back - but no significant bleeding anywhere other than the obvious bruising I suffer over about 5 to 10 percent of my right side. The docs want to keep me for a day or two to keep a check on my hematocrit level which has dropped from 40 to 25 (but remains stable). I told the young resident I'd prefer to be out riding my motorcycle. He said he agreed. There are so many critically ill patients here - I not among them - and really want out. Maybe I'll leave in the morning and go to work. I need to.