The Daily bLog
Things you can do with cardboard and wire ties: tip #3,873,366,587.
Since the weather turned nice a couple of weeks ago here in the northeast, most of us bike nuts have been out on our mounts, thinking up new rides and dreaming about the months of riding to come. For a rider as hardcore as I am (remember, I used to ride thousands of miles a year on bicycles - that will harden anyone), that means you'll do anything to make your ride more comfortable or convenient. Well, one dilemma I had was the wind buffeting I'd get on my Vulcan 1500 cruiser. Even with its windshield, the wind was so bad that even riding with a full face helmet was very unenjoyable at anything over 35 miles an hour. Enter Yankee ingenuity (even though I'm a city kid from Queens). I cut up a piece of cardboard and mounted it on the fork below the windshield with wire ties and voila. Buffeting GONE!!! I rode around the Berkshires with this contraption and I was as comfortable as on my BMW or GoldWing. I even took it on the turnpike at speeds exceeding...uh, 50 mph, and no noise, no buffeting and the bike tracked smoother.
Today is 17 days after my last plasma exchange and I continue to do well. While my chewing and speech are still severely affected, they are not as bad as they were and my distal muscles are strong - 50 pounds with either arm is not a problem, whereas at the worst of it last winter, 5 or 10 was the limit.