My day's activities as reported almost live from Heart Lake (Lake Placid, NY) in words and pictures.
It's always a treat to wake up deep in the wilderness of the high peaks of the Adirondacks. It's an even greater treat when you wake up in the wilderness lodge - owned by the club for which you serve as president - in the middle of your own square mile, in the middle of the high peaks. Even better when that lodge fronts on a pristine 60 acre lake that reflects the summits of those high peaks on its mirror-like surface. Life here at Heart Lake is sweet.
The activities of the day included a wonderful interactive session on leadership and change, designed to give members of the executive committee provoking ideas to consider for the future. The afternoon session included a session on internet communications, presented by our IT deparment head, Chris.
A trip to the north country wouldn't be complete without a visit to town. EMS, my other candy store, had a sale going so I bought some new Nalgene bottles that fit in the cup holders of my car and a pair of waterproof leather clogs. I've come to love this new class of footware for its shear simplicity and ease of getting on and off. With weak muscles, you are thankful for any item that saves time and strength. Clogs go that for me. I also stopped in at "With Pipe and Book," the north country's greatest used book store and tobacconist and was able to pick up a copy of Jacob Deschin's 1937 "Using the Miniature Camera," a first edition - and in beautiful condition - of this seminal work on 35mm photography.
A great and successful day in all respects.