I’m encouraged this morning after having taken my first dose of prednisone (10 mg, 2x, every other day). I’m visualizing a happier, healthier tomorrow. I believe that I WILL lose the immobility, the weakness and the handicapping loss of strength in my jaw muscles. During these past eleven months, I’ve come to respect the tremendous amount of work-effort - in the scientific use of the word – these muscles produce to chop and grind our food. For so long my jaw hasn’t worked, I wonder what it will be like to bite into a piece of meat again and be able to chew it, to savor it and to swallow it.
Even though the body doesn’t work so well, the mind functions flawlessly. I constantly think about making pictures and riding my motorcycle. Pictures I can do right now. The bike will need to wait for “stronger” days.
The picture above is of phragmites at the edge of a wetland in winter. It was made in Richmond, Massachusetts. © 2006 Curt Miller